Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An explanation of sorts

So in the past week, I've been working like a dog at changing career paths/venues. I'm being considered for a pretty major blogging gig with a very reputable establishment. I'm told that can lead to a ton of exposure and the chance to "create a following" for myself and my beauty pursuits, along with random ramblings about my life, neighborhood, and what it's like to be me.

I've been kicking around a few clever names for what this endeavor will be called and I have to say that this is the scariest thing I've done in a long time. In my current field, I have a ton of experience which translates to a general feeling of badass-ness and confidence that can be backed up with skill and a track record of success. In the field of blogging, creating a social media following for myself, and using said media to hype my blogging efforts is definitely something I could do, but the thought of it is scary has all heck.

I'm really looking forward to the challenge, (provided I secure the job, of course) and the opportunity to wax poetic on such topics as parking meter fare hikes, local events, the coffee shop down the street's snarky manager, and bien sur, my current nail look.

Here's today's hopefully good luck mani featuring Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Coral Fever and Barracuda from the 2011 Tracy Reese Spring Collection.

Holler if you love the lighting at Starbucks!
Alright kids. Tell me in the comments if you have a good luck manicure, or what you would wear to an interview where you would want to be perceived as trendy... Let it rip.

Hope you enjoyed!

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